

At the stroke of midnight on Oct 31st the Holidays begin. The commercials on tv start with their holiday slogans of delicious food, toys, and the latest gadgets to buy your loved ones. Hallmark starts their “Count Down to Christmas” non-stop movies (which we all love) but sometimes we forget about one of the most important holidays….THANKSGIVING.

The first Thanksgiving was not like what we have today. There wasn’t even turkey served! They say more than likely they feasted on lobster, seal, swan, and fish. The Wampanoag Tribe brought venison to the table as well. The feast lasted for 3 days and that certainly didn’t include Black Friday!

Over the years, Thanksgiving has developed into what we know today. Starting in the morning with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, eating mounds of turkey and dressing (or stuffing if you aren’t from the south), and watching football on tv. Then some brave people get up on Black Friday to shop.

Whatever your family tradition is, let’s not forget about Thanksgiving. It is a day set aside to celebrate what our forefathers set forth to do. Give us a new life, in a new land, to have freedoms that was denied previously. This Thanksgiving let’s celebrate like the Pilgrim’s did, let’s be thankful for our freedoms and our families and the bounty that God has supplied.

And as always, please remember your loved ones here at Franklin Simpson Nursing and Rehabilitation during the Holiday season.

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